Weekly meetings
Wednesdays 5–8pm
Esperanto House, 143 Lawson Street, Redfern
Learn and improve your language skill, by reading and discussing books in Esperanto.
More information: www.meetup.com/Esperanto-in-Sydney
Business meetings
(All members are welcome)
First Friday of each month, 6pm
Currently, only by Zoom. For details, email nsw@esperanto.org.au.
A small group also meets twice a month in Manly and another, once a month, in Wyong on the Central Coast.
Zamenhof Day celebration
Sunday, 15 December 2024
12noon – 4pm
A party held each year in honour of the birthday of the founder of Esperanto, L. L. Zamenhof (15 December 1859). Food, drink, games, music and conversation. Come with your friends – everyone is welcome.
12:00 Rainer Kurz (visitor from Germany): Travelling through France with Esperanto
12:25 Order food
12:35 Kit Kelen: Poetry reading – Australian and New Zealand poets in Esperanto
13:00 Lunch, including book-fair browsing
13:30 Masajuki Kobayashi (visitor from Japan): Oomoto
14:00 Students of Joanne Cho’s Esperanto course: Proverbs
14:30 Game: Mafia
15:00 Book fair purchasing
16:00 Close
Language Festivals
The Language Festival Association and Esperanto NSW jointly organise the annual Sydney Language Festivals, and also various suburban and regional language festivals.
The purpose of these festivals is to show the great diversity of languages in existence.
Each language is presented in segments no longer than 30 minutes, covering both its linguistic and cultural aspects.